Debate, values, identity

- Oprawa: Miękka
- Autor: Instytut Zachodni
- Wydawca: Instytut Zachodni
- PL ISSN: 0033-2437
- Data wydania: 21 grudnia 2023
- Numer: Special issue 2023
- Format: A5
The articles in the presented issue of the journal "Western Review" address both the present day and the turbulent history of the twentieth century. Each essay stands on its own, but their common thread is an interchange of ideas in public debate – both parliamentary and intellectual - as well as issues of identity and its representations in collective consciousness.
Europe must constantly reflect on its identity, hence - among other issues - the question of the concept of Central and Eastern Europe. Rigorous democratic mechanisms are needed to validate the performance of European Union institutions, which is especially vital in the context of the accession of further countries, with Ukraine leading the way. The prevailing imbalance between security and freedom generates the temptation to call democratic values into question, raising legitimate worries about media freedom and similar issues.
In this anthology, we blend these extremely relevant concerns with historical studies. On a micro scale, the legacy of the Pomeranian Kosznajderia and the dramatic decisions related to the German National List, as well as the tough problems relating to the areas merged into Poland after World War II, highlight the issues of identity established over centuries that can be so easily destroyed or lost. The myths that shape collective identity may suffer a similar fate, as evidenced by the articles on the variously perceived (or exaggerated) myth of the leader (Stepan Bandera) and a political squandering of such a myth (Aung San Suu Kyi).
- 01. Nowak (133,86 KB)
- 02. Kirpsza (235,74 KB)
- 03. Ossowski (122,92 KB)
- 04. Piotrowski (139,80 KB)
- 05. Lotocki (174,35 KB)
- 06. Lubina (123,54 KB)
- 07. Siwek (151,05 KB)
- 08. Jedrzejski (170,29 KB)
- 09. Ciechorska-Kulesza (135,03 KB)
- 10. Kalabunowska (128,29 KB)
- 11. Turski (170,47 KB)
- 12. Sawicz (347,06 KB)